The Single Greatest Choice

S6, Ep 5: Luisa Ruge, SMBC in Colombia

Episode Summary

In this episode, you’ll meet Luisa, a single mother by choice living in Colombia. Luisa spent her twenties and thirties traveling the world, earning a PhD, starting a business, and expecting to find her way to motherhood the traditional way. A breakup in her late 30s led her to the decision to freeze her eggs and, several years later, to return to those eggs and donor sperm in order to become a mom all on her own. Today, Luisa shares her experience of what led her to choose the solo mom life, the process of getting pregnant, navigating a relationship while simultaneously pursuing solo parenthood, her postpartum experience and what life looks like now as a mama to her 9.5-month-old son while living in her home country of Colombia. She brings up so many great topics and has such a logical perspective, so I know her story is sure to feel relatable!

Episode Notes

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