The Single Greatest Choice

S4, episode 9: Meet Halima, SMBC to be

Episode Summary

I dare you to listen to this episode and NOT be inspired! Halima is a woman who is living life to it's fullest. A few years back, she began the process of shedding every part of life that didn't feel like the truest version of herself - and I am not talking about cleaning out her closet. We are talking about the big things...her job, her marriage, her home - Halima let it all go in order to pursue her deepest desire for motherhood. I am so excited for you to meet my friend and share in her absolute joy at the idea of becoming a solo parent. Halima is one of those people who makes me so very thankful to be on this solo parenting path, and I can't wait to share her story with you. If you want to connect with her, she's @halimaanderson on IG. Enjoy!