The Single Greatest Choice

S2, episode 4: Maggie, cancer previvor and double donor SMC

Episode Summary

This week I had the opportunity to talk with Maggie, who learned she has a gene mutation that put her at significantly higher risk for both breast and ovarian cancer. So on top of dealing with the ticking of the biological clock that we all hear to a certain extent, Maggie had even more pressing biological matters to address on her path to motherhood. To me, Maggie’s story stands out because these are exactly the kinds of circumstances that can make us feel hopeless and helpless, like a victim in our own story...unless we chose to write a different, more empowering narrative...which is exactly what Maggie has done. Listen as she shares the ups and downs of her journey in a very candid way. I hope that you’ll learn from her and be inspired by how she has persevered and chosen to see the good in very challenging circumstances. You can connect with Maggie on Instagram @mwilson102